Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Acoustic magazine is seeing the good in me!

One of the surprises of releasing a solo acoustic CD after a career of releasing punk rock albums, is to be included in AcousticMagazine’s first ever cover mounted CD to be released on January 15th 2015. The track of mine to be included is ‘If I Should Ever Let You Down’ from my kuJenga Society album. To be on a 'cover mounted' CD of a  national magazine devoted to acoustic guitars seems a strange thing to me and I am not sure how many new fans I will get from this, as anyone intrigued by my track will get a shock at the nature of my other material. However, to reach beyond my usual fan base, to appeal to the sensibilities of a national music taste that can be so much wider than it used to be, could produce further surprises, and it is that which intrigues so about this opportunity.

Looking to next year, the Newtown Neurotics will be back with a two thirds original line up as Simon Lomond is back in the drum stool.   Not that there was anything wrong with Dave Walsh’s contribution to the band, as that was considerable but Simon showed interest in playing in the band again for a while and this was an opportunity to play with my old comrade again and was not to be missed.

So solo and band gigs next year? Yes indeed, the biggest of which is the Rebellion Festival in August in which I get to play in the Neurotics and perform in a solo acoustic role as well.

Full details of up and coming gigs for either the Newtown Neurotics or Steve Drewett can be found here...

Finally, thanks for taking time to check this blog out and I would like to take a moment to thank you for your support through 2014 and to wish you a Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year.
I will leave you with my Christmas song 'It's Christmas Time! (Oh, yeah, NaNaNa), please play and hopefully enjoy and if you do, please share the video with others. Hope it gets you in the Christmas mood!

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