Sunday, 26 September 2021

Is the new Newtown Neurotics album any good?

Posted this as a reply to someone who suggested we use younger punk musicians to get a more "hi octane" performance...

"Very pleased that you are looking forward to our new album, but puzzled by the ‘less older’ bit. I will be 67 next month therefore am I too old to be a punk? The rest of the band are younger than me so they are less older than me. We have been together for a long time now.

Punk to me is to be honest in all you do, and if it’s music, then that too. We are an older band; we are not teenagers anymore and would never try to make music now as if we were. That would be less honest. We are now not as fast, not as hairy, and not as pretty anymore but we are still a fucking good band. We bring our experiences to our music to enrich it, we don’t see our age as baggage. You may not like the new album, but I see no reason why you shouldn’t. We put more into it and are true to ourselves, more than most other bands.
If you listen without prejudice, you will be enriched and not disappointed.

The vast majority of musicians are always convinced that their latest album is the best they have ever made. I make no comment on our new work other than to say, I hope everyone experiences the excitement we feel right now as we work on it. It will be another perspective lyrically, It would never be another ‘Beggars Can Be Choosers’ (In a good way. but it will be something else and it will be angry, and in anticipation there is excitement. It is up to the listener to judge where it sits with our other work.
There is one constant though, in the message behind it all… “Kick Out The Tories!”

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