Friday, 3 July 2015

The Last Chance of a Lifetime

The Neurotics have a gig coming up on Saturday.  It will be the last gig the Neurotics will ever do in the Square as the venue is closing down at the end of the year.

For me, saying goodbye is becoming a bit familiar recently, I will be saying goodbye to the venue that nurtured the Neurotics and myself for 35 years, Colin Dredd of-course spent many an hour in The Square and I've had to say goodbye to him recently too.
Yesterday a biker in a some slow moving traffic yelled at me as I ambled along the street "Steve! I heard you were dead!" Mortality and time have been forced into my attention these last couple of months, and the fact that nothing lasts. Here's an example, I have had a CNT sticker on my Les Paul for years, it is now a famous characteristic of my guitar, everyone who loves the Neurotics is familiar with it. It seemed to be cemented into the body of my instrument, as over the years it has stayed put, it just became worn by my arm movements.
Yesterday, to my horror, I noticed it was beginning to peel off so I quickly made for the super glue and stuck back the offending corner. I was not prepared to say goodbye to this sticker and this time I had some control, unlike the closing of the Square or the death of Colin. I attempted to cheat time.
Of-course, I will eventually loose.

If you've ever seen us at the Square, why not come and enjoy that experience once more, for the last time. And what a gig it is going to be!!!!  Solitary Confinement and Living With Unemployment on the same night anyone???

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